
Free, quality domains for all,
backed by a nonprofit

Claim your domain →https://yourname.obl.ong
Our vision

Identity should be free.

We think everyone should have access to a high-quality domain name that reflects their identity.

Unfortunately, most “free domain” services are clunky, too specific, or associated with spam.

We aim to fix this by providing generic, memorable, and fun subdomains at no cost to all.

Register your subdomain

Easy setup, zero cost

  1. Sign up on our dashboard

    No password needed!
  2. Tell us what you're building!

    Send in your request and answer a few short questions - won't take more than a minute or two
  3. Get approved and enjoy your domain!

    If we aren't backlogged it should only take a day.
Powered by Vercel

This site is a member of Hard Fork.

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